Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Living in Bizarro World

Do you remember the Seinfeld episode which focused on Bizarro World, a concept taken from Superman comics? Also incorporating the now famous “man hands” sketch, this episode was hilarious. In Bizarro world, everything is backwards. Good is bad, up is down, left is right, etc. Lately, I feel as if I’ve been dropped into Bizarro world myself. “How so?” you may ask. Because the most recent 2016 presidential election polls show Donald Trump leading the Republican field with nearly 40% of evangelical Christians now supporting him. I am pausing now for emphasis … EVANGELICAL CHRISTIANS!

Based on the growing number of Evangelicals who say, “I like Trump - what’s the big deal?”, I seem to be living in the wrong world. I’m either a citizen of earth and have found myself in Bizarro world, or I’m a citizen of Bizarro world and have found myself on earth. For the life of me, I cannot understand why others cannot see what I see, but they apparently do not. I see it so clearly, so strongly, that I can’t imagine how any other discerning Christian could miss it. I realize that the strength of my conviction doesn't make me right, but it certainly makes me believe that I am.

When I watch Donald Trump talk, every fiber of my being reacts. What words can be used to describe his actions and interactions? On the positive side, I can come up with a number of descriptors: direct, confident, unique, goal-oriented, energetic, engaging, aspirational, savvy, and tenacious. But it’s not the positive traits that concern me, as the positive is not what I see as dominant in Donald Trump. What negative descriptors characterize Trump? How about these: brash, insulting, arrogant, vulgar, rude, condescending, dismissive, mean-spirited, misinformed, conniving, non-convictional, reckless, demagogic, self-absorbed, narcissistic, antagonistic, common, thin-skinned, and base. I could put multiple specific examples with every descriptor. In fact, one of the most puzzling things to me is why this isn’t just as obvious to everyone else who watches Trump. I can’t decide if others don't see this, or if they see it and convince themselves these character traits do not matter as much as what he says he wants to do.

Does Trump really exemplify the character we need in a President? Do we want our president insulting his opponents rather than engaging them on issues? Do we need a president who communicates in myriad ways that he believes he is superior to everyone else? Do we really think that a president can govern by appealing to the basest instincts of a populace? Do we want a man who has little personal regard for fidelity or marriage? Who profits from vice? Who is comfortable with bankruptcy? Who attacks the messenger rather than the message? Who can't decide where he stands on abortion?

Like most conservatives, I am frustrated with the dysfunction and corruption in government. I am tired of gridlock and self-serving non-decisions from our leaders. My blood boils when I consider a twenty-trillion dollar national debt with no end to its growth in sight. I believe our foreign policy is a wreck. I believe our government is undermining the family. I think our focus is on all the wrong things.

As bad as things are, however, allowing ourselves to be fooled by the trash talk of a political chameleon is unthinkable. First a Republican, then an Independent, then a Democrat, then kind of a Republican, then a conservative Republican - oh wait, maybe an Independent again. No, no, wait again - he really is a Republican after all. Sheesh! Donald Trump has always been aligning himself to get the most glory for Donald Trump. That will not change if he is elected. Trump holds out the promise of being a fighter who is outside the system and who says exactly what’s on his mind. He ignores the oppressive political correctness of our dominant culture, and we like it. Americans are now responding to his demagoguery and promise of being our champion – problem is, the promise isn’t real. He is not fighting for us – he’s never cared about “us”. By all historic actions, The Donald cares about The Donald.

Galatians 5:22-23 lays out the fruit of the workings of the Holy Spirit in a Christian’s life. These verses state, “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law.” Does this sound anything like Donald Trump? Evangelicals, I contend that you must know it does not. My question for you who support Trump is this: What would you tell Jesus if he asked you why you are supporting Trump? Could you explain the reasons for your support in a way you think Christ would approve? I can’t speak for you, and you may have a case I have yet to hear, but I absolutely cannot do it.

Allowing this man to enter the White House would be a disaster – yes a disaster – for us all. I want to see the establishment shaken up in Washington. I want to see our borders controlled. I want to see America at her greatest – but not this way and not with this man. I’ve never felt so strongly against a presidential candidate while the masses of my philosophical compatriots are marching toward him. Please tell me I’m not the one living in Bizarro world. I truly encourage anyone who reads this to carefully examine the ramifications of a Trump presidency.  Just go to his Twitter feed and read any of his last 20 rolling tweets (https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump) and think about if this is really the kind of man to lead our country.  I have no doubt you'll find some real gems in just that short a list.

Well, there it is. I’m on record. I don’t think this blog post will comfort me much if I turn out to be right, but I feel better for using what little influence I have to try to make my case.  In fact, I hope the American people come to their senses, and keep me from ever having to find out if I'm right or not. God bless America!

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