For ten years now, I have written or blogged at times about a significant part of our family's journey, and this could well be my last post on the subject. Over the last decade, thousands of you have walked with us through arguably one of the most horrific situations a family can experience: the diagnosis of cancer (and more specifically acute lymphoblastic leukemia - ALL) in the life of your child. You walked with us through the months of Brad's thirteen-year-old life on a razor's edge as he was hospitalized from the initial bacterial septic shock that hurtled us down this path. You walked with us through three-and-a-half years of the first horrible treatment and then another two-and-a-half when he relapsed - a nearly seven-year span of treatment in all. You walked with us through two hip replacements and two hand/wrist surgeries since then to deal with the damage from all the treatment. It has been a difficult ten years - especially for Brad.