Thursday, August 29, 2013

What's in a Day? A Great Deal When Your Son Is No Longer Dying!

The 29th of August.  This day may not be significant for you, but it is forever burned into the very psyche of our family.  It was on this day, four years ago, that our then 13-year-old son Bradley went into septic shock from the staph infection that ran rampant through his body.  It was August 29th, 2009, that our lives were irreversibly changed.  It was August 29th when we were told our previously energetic, brilliant, healthy, and loving son would not live.  It was August 29th that we learned he had leukemia which had allowed the septic infection to destroy every system of his body.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

No Dog in This Fight

By the time this posts, the United States may well be involved in the conflict in Syria.  As I hear about what is going on there, I get an all-too-familiar feeling:  that we (the US) are getting sucked into another war, and I don't understand why.  Don’t get me wrong, I stand against people killing each other.  I do not support the use of chemical weapons.  I oppose a government’s exterminating its citizens.  I want to see stability in the Middle East.  I am against activities that strengthen a country’s ties to Russia and Iran.  Countries obsessed with opposition to Israel concern me.  Syria embodies all these things I oppose.